Department Analyst Initializes Case
After you have created a new appointment case using the APBears appointment case job aid you should begin the departmental review process.
STEP 2: complete the overview tab
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When a case is initialized, a new page will open up to the overview tab. The overview tab will serve as your launch page for every case.
The header will auto-populate the effective date of the case, review period, Employee ID, Affliate ID, CalNet UID, department(s), and a Review Progress bar. The Review Progress bar indicates the current phase of review.
Examine the "Job Appointments" field and ensure the appropriate departments are listed. The correct FTE percentage is required and will not be auto-populated. To change either the department(s) or FTE click the "Change Appointments" link. A new screen will open and you may update the org code and/or FTE percentage, then click the "Update" button.
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In the "Information" section the "Case Action" and "Effective Date" will be displayed. If you need to change the effective date, please contact APO.
Under "Appointment Cases" select "Search Authorization" (FTE #) or the "Search Waiver" radio button. If you select "Search Authorization" the "Search Auth #" and "JPF AP Recruit #" fields will appear. Complete these fields. If you select "Search Waiver" the "Search Waiver Number" field appears, complete this field.
Next, using the drop down menu you may select the appropriate Department Analyst. Also at this time, you may enter case notes as needed.
Once you have completed filling out the fields in the Overview tab click the "Save" button located at the top and bottom of the page.
In rare instances you may need to enter in a competing offer/retention on an appointment case. Please click on the "New Competing Offer/Retention" link. A new page will open. Fill out the "Institution", "Salary Type" (either Academic or Fiscal Year), and the corresponding salary amounts. Click "Save" once you have complete this section.
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For each case, you must designate departmental reviewers who will need access to the case. This includes Departmental Ad Hoc Committee members, faculty members, and the designated department chair.
Under the Reviewers tab, click Edit Reviewers
From the drop down menu, select the appropriate role. You must select an org unit for each reviewer type. All faculty in the selected org unit will be listed. You may also type the name into the reviewer field to autocomplete. The list includes ladder-rank faculty, Adjuncts, Professors-in-Residence, and Health Sciences Clinical faculty. Check the box next to the faculty member(s) who will be serving in the role you have selected. Click Add Reviewer at bottom of page to save your choices. Note that multiple names can be selected at once. When a reviewer is outside of your department, you may enter their name, however you must assign them a unit that is assigned to the candidate. For example, candidate John Smith is in IB and Chemistry, however, the ad hoc chair Jane Doe is MCB. You must assign Jane Doe to org unit IB or Chemistry.
For reviews involving groups of faculty (i.e. Tenured appointment), you have the ability to select the categories of Full, Tenured, Emeritus or All Professors. To filter by those that have a role already assigned, click on Has Role button. Select All to remove the filter.
To Remove Reviewers, scroll down to Current Reviewers header and click those in the list you wish to remove.
A Department Designated Chair will be able to view the case once the candidate has given the okay to start the departmental review. However, if you want to let the chair know you are ready for s/he to review a case, go the the Reviewers tab and click on "Request Review," and select the Designated Department Chair role. You may then preview the system-generated email, add any additional text, and submit the request.
Department Analyst Prepares Case for Reviews
At this point in the review, External Letters (if any) should be uploaded under the Documents Tab. Documents should be uploaded as Unredacted. This would be an appropriate time to upload the Code Key of External Reviewers. You will, however be able to replace it if there are subsequent additions (e.g. new letters or declinations have been received).
Under the Reviewer tab, you may open access to your Departmental Ad Hoc Committee chairs, members, and faculty, by selecting the “Request Review” button. Check on the reviewer categories which should have access and hit Save.
Faculty can be provided access up until the file is submitted to the Dean’s Analyst.
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An email will be sent to the designated reviewers. Under Reviewers tab you can monitor for how long and to whom the case is available. |
Some routing actions will automatically close reviewer access, however you may wish to close access manually. You may do so under the Reviewer tab by clicking "end".
When the case has been reviewed by an ad hoc committee, you will need to upload their report.
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If your department does not normally have an ad hoc committee for appointments, upload a statement as a “Redacted Departmental Ad Hoc Report” that indicates that there was no departmental committee. |
NOTE: If your department does not reveal the membership of the departmental Ad Hoc Committee to the faculty, you should upload only a redacted version of the ad hoc report at this point of the review. The unredacted version can be uploaded after access has been closed to the faculty, but must be uploaded prior to submitting the case to the dean’s analyst.
Department Analyst Prepares Case for Department Chair Review
If you have not done so, you must designate the department chair reviewer now.
You will Request Review under Reviewers tab, which will generate an email to the chair that the file is available for review. The chair will continue to have access to the case throughout the course of the review.
You must upload the departmental recommendation before routing to the Dean’s Analyst.
Upload the Departmental Recommendation under the Documents Tab. Select the type of document from the drop down menu, attach the document using the Browse button, and hit Upload. The document can be any format, but it is recommended that you use a PDF format.
You will also need to enter the salary recommendation under the Salary Recommendation tab. Click the "Update Official Recommendation" tab and enter the salary recommendation. You will also need to sign off on this recommendation before routing the case to the Dean's Analyst.
You may now use the blue routing button to route the case to the Dean’s Office. If any required information is missing, APBears will display an error message until the requirement is fulfilled.