Automated System Email Messages

When Approve and Submit to Candidate, the message below is sent to Candidate.

Your [Case Year] [Case Action] Review Summary is now ready for your review. To access your case file, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

1. Once logged in, click on Cases tab in the navigation bar.
2. Select your review summary by clicking on the Review ID number.
3. Review the case file by selecting the Review Summary tab.
4. Indicate approval of the case file by selecting the "Submit to Department Analyst-Begin Departmental Review" link under Case Actions
5. If anything in the Review Summary requires a change, click the "Return to Department Analyst-Initial" link under Case Actions.
6. Make any necessary corrections or additions to your Achievement pages and notify the Department Analyst that the Review Summary should be refreshed. When the Review Summary is refreshed, it will be routed to you again for this step.

Detailed instructions on accessing the case and electronic routing can be found at:


In sending this file to the Department Analyst to begin the departmental review, you are electronically certifying that

1. You have been informed of the impending review for this personnel action and of the review process as outlined in APM sections
160 (,
210 (, and
220 (
2. You were provided the opportunity to ask questions and supply pertinent information and evidence.
3. You were provided the opportunity to inspect all non-confidential material in your review file, including the Candidate Summary.
4. The Candidate Summary is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge.
5. You were provided the opportunity to suggest names for extramural letters (if required) and to provide, in writing, names of persons who, for reasons set forth by you, may not provide objective evaluations.
6. You have submitted a sabbatical leave report to the department (if the sabbatical was taken during the review period) and have filed all annual APM 025 Form IIs, Report of Category I and II Compensated Outside Professional Activities and Additional Teaching Activities, ( for each of the years covered by the Review Period.

When Return to Department Analyst - Initial (to update Case), the message below is sent to Department Analysts

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Submit to Department Analyst - Begin Departmental Review, the message below is sent to Department Analysts

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Return to Department Analyst - Initial Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Begin Departmental Ad Hoc Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Open Departmental Ad Hoc Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Close Departmental Ad Hoc Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When End Departmental Ad Hoc Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears site at:

When Start Candidate Clock (for promotion and tenure cases), the message below is sent to Candidate.

Your [Case Year] [Case Action] Review File is now available for review prior to the departmental meeting. As part of the fairness safeguard process, it is your right to receive a summary of the content of the departmental ad hoc report (if any) and external letters (if any) and/or to request access to these confidential documents. As part of the Academic Personnel review process, you have the option of submitting a response, within 7 calendar days, to these additional, confidential materials. This message is to notify you that this option is now available to you and requires your action.

This notification begins the 7 calendar day period within which you may submit a response to the departmental ad hoc report (if any) and the external letters (if any). Policy provides that your response can be submitted to your department Chair, Dean, or the Vice Provost.

Instructions for submitting a response to the confidential documents:

1. Once logged in to APBears (, under the Cases tab, select your review file.
2. To view the confidential documents, select the Documents/Comments/Recommendation tab.
3. After review, select the Candidate Response tab, where you will have two choices:
-- I do not choose to add a written statement to the file.
-- I choose to add a written statement to the file as reflected below.
Indicate whether you choose to add a written statement to the file, or not, using the radio buttons provided.
If submitting a written response, upload your file in the box provided or give it to your departmental Department Analyst for uploading.
3. When finished, click the SUBMIT button.

IMPORTANT: The system will not allow for changes after submission.

Note: If you have not received a copy of the confidential documents to review prior to receiving this notification and you wish to receive a copy, please contact your Department Analyst (the departmental academic personnel staff member).

When Stop Candidate Clock (Candidate Initiated) (for promotion and tenure cases), the message below is sent to Department Analysts.

[Candidate's Name] has indicated s/he has [Candidate's Response] for the [Case Year] [Case Action] case.

When Begin Department Chair Review, the message below is sent to [role].

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Open Department Chair Review, the message below is sent to Department Chair

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Close Department Chair Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When End Department Chair Review, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Start Candidate Clock, the message below is sent to Candidate

As part of the Academic Personnel review process, you have the option of submitting a response to the Departmental Letter. This message is to notify you that this option is now available to you and requires your action.

This notification begins the 7 calendar day period within which you may submit a response to the departmental recommendation. Policy provides that your response can be submitted to your department Chair, Dean, or the Vice Provost.

Instructions for submitting a response to the department letter:
1. Once logged in to APBears (, under the Cases tab, select your Review Summary.
2. Select the Candidate Response tab, where you will have two choices:
--I do not choose to add a written statement to the file.
--I choose to add a written statement to the file as reflected below.
Indicate whether you choose to add a written statement to the file, or not, using the radio buttons provided.
If submitting a written response, upload your file in the box provided or give it to your departmental Department Analyst for uploading.
3. When finished, click the SUBMIT button.

IMPORTANT: The system will not allow for changes after submission.

Note: If you have not received a copy of the departmental recommendation to review prior to receiving this notification, please contact your Department Analyst (the departmental academic personnel staff member).

When Stop Candidate Clock, the message below is sent to no one.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Stop Candidate Clock (Candidate Initiated), the message below is sent to Department Analysts.

[Candidate's Name] has indicated s/he has [Candidate's Response] for the [Case Year] [Case Action] case.

When Submit to Dean's Analyst, the message below is sent to Assigned (or all) Dean's Analyst.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

When Submit to Dean's Analyst (bypass candidate review), the message below is sent to Assigned (or all) Dean's Analyst.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

When Notify Designated Department Chairs, the message below is sent to Department Chair.

A Preliminary Assessment has been issued for the [Case Year] [Case Action] review for [Candidate's Name]. Because of the 10 day clock for a response, please ensure that the candidate is informed as quickly as possible of this assessment.

Note that the Best Practice is for the chair or dean to share the information prior to sending the letter to the candidate.

Further, compliant with Academic Personnel Manual Section 220-84-b, the candidate should be notified of the opportunity to request access to the records placed in the personnel review file subsequent to the department review, in accordance with APM Section 160-20-c.

When Notify Candidate, the message below is sent to Candidate.

A Preliminary Assessment has been issued for your [Case Year] [Case Action]. Please Access your record in APBears at: to view the letter from the Vice Provost.

Please note that any response should be submitted within 10 days of the issuance of the Preliminary Assessment.

Compliant with Academic Personnel Manual Section 220-84-b, you have the opportunity to request access to the records placed in the personnel review file subsequent to the department review, in accordance with APM Section 160-20-c. Please make this request via email to The 10 day clock will be restarted at the point you are provided access to the record.

When Return to Department Analyst - Update, the message below is sent to Department Analysts.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Submit to Department Analyst - Preliminary Assessment, the message below is sent to Department Analysts.

A Preliminary Assessment has been issued for the [Case Year] [Case Action] review for [Candidate's Name]. Because of the 10 day clock for a response, please ensure that the department chair and candidate are informed as quickly as possible.

Note that the Best Practice is for the chair or dean to share the information prior to sending the letter to the candidate.

Compliant with Academic Personnel Manual Section 220-84-b, the candidate should be notified of the opportunity to request access to the records placed in the personnel review file subsequent to the department review, in accordance with APM Section 160-20-c.

When Open Dean Review, the message below is sent to Dean.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

When Notify Dean, the message below is sent to Dean.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears site at:

When Return to Dean's Analyst, the message below is sent to Assigned (or all) Dean's Analyst.

The [CaseActionYear] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

When BC Analyst takes the action Submit to APO Analyst, the message below is sent to Assigned AP Analyst.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] has been returned for additional information. Check "Review Comments/Recommendations" tab for possible letter from the Vice Provost. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Return to Dean's Analyst, the message below is sent to Assigned (or all) Dean's Analyst.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

When Submit to Dean's Analyst- Preliminary Assessment, the message below is sent to Dean's Analyst.

A Preliminary Assessment has been issued for the [Case Year] [Case Action] review for [Candidate's Name]. Because of the 10 day clock for a response, please ensure that the department and candidate are informed as quickly as possible.

When Return to BC Analyst, the message below is sent to BC Analyst.

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case is available for your review and action. To take action, log in to the APBears system with your CalNet login at the following address:

Detailed instructions for accessing the file and completing the review can be found on the APBears help site at:

When Transmit Final Decision to Dean's Analyst, the message below is sent to Dean's Analyst.

A Final Decision has been issued for the [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name]. Log into the APBears system to review the letter.

When Transmit to Department Analyst-Final Decision, the message below is sent to Department Analysts.

A Final Decision has been issued for the [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name]. Log into the APBears system to review the letter.

When Transmit to Department Analyst-Reconsideration Decision, the message below is sent to Department Analysts.

A Reconsideration Decision has been issued for the [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name]. Log into the APBears system to review the letter.

Re-open Case, the message below is sent to Department Analysts

The [Case Year] [Case Action] case for [Candidate's Name] has been reopened. Log into the APBears system at: