This section is a summary of all courses taught by a faculty member. Ten years of data from the campus Class Schedule and Instructional Record (CSIR) system, which is the system of record for all data concerning teaching activity, will be imported on a regular basis to complete certain fields in APBears. This will eliminate data entry effort on the part of faculty and departmental staff and will provide the complete record of formal course instruction. As this is the official record of course instruction, the official CSIR data cannot be modified or corrected. If there is an issue on how course data is reported in your department, it can only be addressed going forward.
It will be the responsibility of faculty to validate the data and to provide any information as it may relate to the course, i.e. development of a new course or new use of technology in the course. Departmental staff normally will have responsibility for entering data related to course evaluations, including course scores and departmental averages. Cross-listed courses will be displayed in a single record; the enrollment figure is a sum of all the courses. Independent study courses will be displayed only once, with the enrollment summed.
Student evaluations should be collected for all courses, with average scores reported for both the course taught and the departmental average. All student comments need to be uploaded as well.
Courses taught at other institutions, including workshops and seminars, should be added under Professional Activities.
APBears is correctly calculating CSIR data; however when we first launched APBears, we discovered some departments had used the course scheduling system in ways it was not intended (for example adding GSIs as instructors to the primary section to give them access to bSpace). Since this was the first time CSIR data was shown back to departments and faculty, the impact of this usage came to light. Because CSIR data cannot be edited or corrected, faculty with missing or incorrect teaching data have the following options within APBears:
- For incorrect % Taught, enter the correct % in the Actual % Taught field. This information will be displayed in the Candidate Summary instead of the % Taught imported from CSIR. Note, for records prior to January 2011, notes about incorrect or missing data will appear in the Comments field under the "Course Evaluation" section.
- For other comments about the data, use the General Comments field.
- For missing courses, summarize the teaching record as you would like it to be presented to campus reviewers and attach it as part of your Self Statement.
- To exclude courses from the Candidate Summary, edit the course record and de-select the "Include in Candidate Summary" option. This can be used to exclude any duplicate records that were imported from CSIR.
Campus reviewers at all levels are instructed to pay close attention to both the Comments field under the "Course Evaluation" section and Self Statements to verify the data provided from CSIR. They are also briefed on the limitations of the CSIR data and departments have been trained on how CSIR data interacts with APBears.